Friday, June 4, 2010

Is this really happening?

I can't get over this crazy oil spill mess! First of all, I can't believe it ever happened...and second of all, I can't believe it is still happening! It truly makes me sick to my stomach! In my opinion, the gulf coast has the prettiest beaches in the entire United States, and now they are going to be ruined! My heart breaks for the families who live there, and all of the marine life that must suffer. This is not a thing that is just going to go away over is going to have lasting effects that will take YEARS to clear up!

Of course, I am very sad that vacations will be different for us now too. I have grown up going to the gulf coast at LEAST once a summer my entire life. I can't believe that Allie may not have that opportunity now. I am praying that BP will get their act together and fix this mess! As far as I am concerned, they will no longer be getting my business!

1 comment:

  1. It's disgusting that this is still going on! I was never much of a customer to begin with, but I will NEVER stop at another bp again!
